You can check out Manual and how they can help improve both your physical and mental health by going to their website here. If you’d like to try it out first with 50% off, feel free to use my discount code “WELL50” at checkout or get the discount automatically by clicking here.
Since October is mental health awareness month in the UK, I feel compelled to share my own experiences with poor mental health, as well as what has helped me overcome these feelings and become the best possible version of myself both mentally and physically. Perhaps my story isn’t very dramatic, and my struggles are trivial in comparison to others, but if I encourage just one person who reads this to make positive changes to their health and wellbeing routine, I will be happy to have made a difference to someone in need. (Spoiler alert: try Manual!!)
When I reached forty, like many others, I began to notice that my body just didn’t function how it used to anymore. The first time I realised, or at least properly acknowledged, that my age was creeping up on me was at my son’s sports day last year. After the kids had done their thing, came the much anticipated father’s race – a very competitive affair. No need to limber up, I was in great shape (or so I thought). I still played football for a local team, cycled to and from work twice a week, and mucked about with the kids in the garden all the time. But mere seconds after I heard the starting whistle blow, I found myself struggling. I limped to the end (still managing to come in third may I add), commenting to the other dads that I could have sworn the track used to be shorter…

Sprawled on the sofa back at home, and exhausted from the day, I realised I am just not as young as I used to be. My husband and I had ended up in a rut of eating what we could when we could and letting ourselves go since having the kids, not to mention the fact we were running on minimal sleep – I always felt like I was running on empty. This really got me down and I began to spiral – it made me concerned about how long I’ll be around for my kids, and disheartened that I was losing my ability to do some of the things I love. I decided to make a change. For the next week, I went health mad- I started cycling to work 5 days a week instead of 2 and cut all foods that Google deemed ‘unhealthy’ from my diet. I essentially lived on rice cakes and bowls of vegetable soup for a week. The following Friday, my husband and I got into a huge fight when he discovered I’d thrown out his beloved 1kg sized jar of Nutella, and he told me I needed to find a more sustainable method of being healthy. I scoured the internet for any solutions that would stop help me shift away from my ‘dad bod’ and my lackluster demeanor. In my desperation, I tried pretty much any supplement or diet I could find. Of course none of them worked, and I later found out some even contained harmful ingredients. I began to withdraw, consumed by negative thoughts about my self image and started skipping plans with friends just so I could keep my diet and exercise routine up.I felt like I would never feel happy with myself and was stuck in a really dark hole. So let me tell you how Manual helped me.
I came across Manual via an advert I saw on Facebook (thanks, cookies!), and from that moment my life and health did a 180. Specifically designed for men, Manual is a service designed to educate men on their health and support them with tailored treatments and advice. Within minutes of browsing their site I’d already learnt so much about the potential causes of my lack of energy- better yet, there might be a remedy that actually works. I was also interested to read about ways that I could improve my sleep hygiene and immunity to better my general wellbeing. Admittedly, I would have tried anything at this point, but I was extremely encouraged by the five star trust pilot reviews for Manual, and felt inspired by the success stories from hundreds of men who Manual had helped deal with hair loss, trouble sleeping, impotence, fatigue, libido issues and the like.
You can check out Manual and how they can help improve both your physical and mental health by going to their website here. If you’d like to try it out first with 50% off, feel free to use my discount code “WELL50” at checkout or get the discount automatically by clicking here.

The sign-up process was incredibly simple. All you have to do is fill out a brief health-related questionnaire detailing your health goals and medical history (which saves the embarrassment of having to speak face-to-fact with a doctor). You also have the option to complete a simple at-home blood test for more personalized treatment. Following this, you’ll be given a treatment plan tailored to you by qualified medical professionals, as well as advice, tips and articles about men’s health. The great part is, payment is not taken until a clinician reviews your consultation and authorises a prescription. I was prescribed sustained-release ‘Good Nights’ tablets which combine natural ingredients to promote restful sleep including chamomile, lemon balm and vitamin B6. I was also prescribed Manual’s Testosterone Support tablets, which contain ingredients such as zinc and Ginseng to maintain optimal testosterone levels (my blood tests revealed that I had lowered testosterone levels, which could have been responsible for both my lack of energy and sleeplessness). My prescriptions arrived at my door within 48 hours, posted for free, in discreet packaging. Prescriptions from Manual are also so much cheaper than some of the branded products I’ve seen advertised but still contain such high quality ingredients.
I have now been following my treatment plan for eight months and all I can say is… WOW. The Good Nights tablets worked almost instantly. On my second night of taking them, I slept for eight hours uninterrupted for the first time in almost a decade. Likewise, after a couple weeks on the Testosterone regulators, my energy levels began to rise. Normally by the time I’d get home from work I would be exhausted and collapse on the sofa. Now, I have energy to play with the kids and put them to bed – the ability I have gained to spend quality time with them is priceless. These truly are clinically proven treatments, not like all the fads and gimmicks I had tried before. Moreover, Manual offers ongoing support for their customers, you can call them anytime for advice, and I continue to get blood tests to monitor my progress.

Manual is a safe space for men to learn about their health, and seek advice without judgement or embarrassment. While I’m on the subject, I thought I’d mention what else you could get help with (if anybody is still reading!). While I have been lucky enough to avoid these issues so far, I feel grateful to have learned so much about what may affect me in the future, such as erectile dysfunction or hair loss- problems most men are embarrassed to talk about. I now know if I do face these problems in my life, there is help out there. Manual offers oral treatments to regulate testosterone test levels and Sildenafil (Viagra, but much cheaper) to help men tackle issues with sexual intimacy and performance. They even offer Finasteride, which has been proven to halt hair loss in 9/10 men and promote regrowth in 60% (I told my husband he should try this and he is going to look into it!). For a lot of men, decline in mental and physical health go hand-in-hand. But it is time to start the conversation, educate ourselves and get help. We must break the stigma around men’s health, and I believe Manual Wellbeing is an excellent driving force in this movement. If for no other reason, cold and flu season is coming up, meaning it is important to keep your immune system functioning well, and it can’t hurt to just get an assessment anyway- you might learn something about your body that you never knew. So, why not listen to a rambling random guy on the internet, and give Manual a go – it may help you as much as it has helped me.
You can check out Manual and how they can help improve both your physical and mental health by going to their website here. If you’d like to try it out first with 50% off, feel free to use my discount code “WELL50” at checkout or get the discount automatically by clicking here.
This article contains a sponsored offer from Manual.
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