My honest review of Men’s ProMulti by DR.VEGAN®

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I’m 50 years old and because my father has had prostate cancer, my chances of getting prostate cancer are double the average. 1 in 8 men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, but this doubles to 1 in 4 men who have a family history of prostate cancer, and among black men. Given this outlook, I started researching for supplements that can help keep my prostate healthy.

I’ve always taken a daily multi, to keep my immunity strong and bugs at bay, and because I don’t always eat a healthy diet, so taking a daily multi helps cover all the bases. But standard daily multi’s, including those for men over 50, don’t comprehensively support the prostate, and they don’t cover other areas, such as the gut. When you hit 50, the body changes – in the last two years, my gut has changed dramatically, from being able to eat anything to now being lactose intolerant and much more sensitive to certain foods. I put on weight much more easily, which apparently is connected to my ever-declining testosterone which, dare I say it, also affects my libido which isn’t what it used to be. We often only think of women as losing their libido, but it happens to us men too.

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DR VEGAN have kindly given Lifestyle Reviewer readers a discount to get 30% off their first order across their whole range. Click HERE and don’t forget to use code LIFESTYLE30 at checkout!

When doing my research, I realised there was no all-in-one multi for men over 50 that supported the prostate, testosterone levels, and improved gut health, alongside all the other benefits you’d expect including improving my energy, immunity, hair and skin – until I found DR.VEGAN’s Men’s ProMulti. I checked out the DR.VEGAN website where it shows the 32 ingredients, including prebiotics, probiotics, lots of botanicals such a Ginseng, Reishi Mushrooms, Nettle Root, Maca, and then all the ingredients of a good multivitamin. I wanted an independent opinion so I visited a specialist health food store – Revital – to speak to their staff who know about these things. They don’t stock it yet (but do have other DR.VEGAN products) and I showed them the ingredients on my phone and they confirmed there was no other product like it, and more importantly, they confirmed all the ingredients would do exactly what DR.VEGAN claims the Men’s ProMulti would do.

After a week of taking the supplements the biggest difference I noticed was in my gut health. As I say, I have a dodgy tummy that’s sensitive to lots of foods, and no longer was I getting loose stools or paying frequent visits to the loo. My stools were normal – at last! I was becoming regular, and my stomach just felt calm and normal. I noticed my energy levels were much better – I wasn’t getting drowsy in the middle of the afternoon, and I wasn’t feeling the need to snack like I used to do. Perhaps the best improvement was my sleep. I’d heard friends talking about how they had improved their sleep by sorting out their gut health through probiotics, and the probiotics in Men’s ProMulti were clearly not only sorting out my gut, they were improving my sleep.

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DR VEGAN have kindly given Lifestyle Reviewer readers a discount to get 30% off their first order across their whole range. Click HERE and don’t forget to use code LIFESTYLE30 at checkout!

I can’t speak highly enough of Men’s ProMulti – I feel SO much better taking it. I notice the difference when I don’t take it, so I make sure my two capsules are the first thing I take every morning. When you subscribe at DR.VEGAN, you also receive a free pill tin which makes it so easy to remember to take your supplements. I took advantage of an offer DR.VEGAN gives to new subscribers of Men‘s ProMulti, giving 50% off the first 3 months (MENS50) and I’m now in month 3 and have no intention of stopping at the end of the offer! I’m feeling great, my skin is better, I’m more focused and sharper at work, I’m not bloated anymore, I know I’m doing all I can to support my prostate, and my wife is delighted my visits to bathroom are now back to normal.

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DR VEGAN have kindly given Lifestyle Reviewer readers adiscount to get 30% off their first order across their whole range. Click HERE and don’t forget to use code LIFESTYLE30at checkout!

This article contains a sponsored offer from Dr Vegan for Lifestyle Reviewer readers.

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